Hi folks !
Schools -temporarily- out & I'm back in business !
A lot has happened - as always- . My exams went on like forever and a few days ago my house was flooded due to pipe leakage and street-works in front of our house.
But hey we're all still A'Okay ! On another note some of you know I frequently go to the movies. If you didn't know this , you should seriously follow me on fb or on twitter ! Anyway a must see at this moment are Star Trek & Man of Steel. I'm up for any kind of movie but these two stole my movie-stuffed-with-popcorn-heart. So I definitely advise you to see them.
I've also started going to the gym at least 2 times a week -sometimes 3- so I can get my summer body in check before "summer" arrives. I had my hair done today as a present from my mom. They just cut it plain and in layers. It's easier to style then short hair. I used to have short hair a while back but my hair tends to 'wave' which made it impossible to style without spending a decent amount of time to get it right.
I'm also happy to announce I'll be working @Urban Outfitters in July. -Be sure to visit me !- I gotta earn some cash because I'm really broke and I seriously want to go shopping again. I'm not going on vacation this year. I barely do every other year but I might go to Londen although I'm not sure yet.
Well that's it for now, more posts will follow soon !
I hope you guys have a great summer ahead & be sure to visit me @ UO !