Yesterday I went to Maasmechelen shopping center with my sisters.
I was feeling a bit ill from the day before but that didn't stop me to go shopping -of course-.
My sister bought a whole bunch of stuff but because I'm -currently- broke. I had a budget of 70 €.
The 70 € existed out of a 40 € gift card I got from my best friend for my b'day and 30 € -the only money- on my bank account. I end up spending only 50 , which isn't a habit of mine. I normally spend every penny I have. This could explain why I'm broke - duh-.
So eventually I bought a jeans with a print. I know I don't need the pants but I wanted them.
I saw them before and I wanted them then. My rule is if I still want something after seeing it the first time and let a few days, weeks , months pass by and I still want it when I see it the second time I'm allowed to buy it - ow yeah- .
The other two things I bought I just bought sporadically. Also partly because I needed a blouse.
The perplum top was on sale so I just couldn't resist. I also have a thing for gold.
Here's the pic of the items !
Have a nice day ! |